Handwoven Recycled Cotton Runner Rug

Transform your hallway into an elegant and warm space with our natural material rugs, carefully made in Portugal. Often neglected, the hallway deserves special attention, and this rug is the perfect item to add a touch of style to this often forgotten space.

Opt for the authenticity of the Portuguese short circuit with this rug made from natural materials. Natural or cream tones offer timeless neutrality, blending harmoniously into any decor style.

Made with recycled cotton and fibers recovered from local textile factories, each piece embodies the essence of the short circuit.

Practical and durable, this machine washable rug (30ºC) is very easy to maintain. Small imperfections, inherent to its artisanal manufacturing, add to the authentic charm of each piece, making your rug truly unique.

Bring your hallway to life with a rug that combines functionality, aesthetics and ethics.

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Deadline 48h to 72h

If your products are in stock, your delivery will arrive within 48 to 72 working hours.