HIPPY indoor outdoor rug

A rug for the interior or exterior of the house with warm and very trendy ethnic patterns. This rug was designed to reflect the artisanal heritage of different cultures around the world. Tribal, geometric and floral designs blend seamlessly to create functional, weather-resistant works of art ready to transform your deck, patio or garden into a stylish haven. Material: Made of 100% Propylene With a Propylene support Carpet thickness: 2.00 mm Weight: 5kg 256,000 Points Made in Türkiye AFK Living polypropylene rugs, also known as synthetic wool, provide a very strong and robust finish. Even with intensive use, the surface of this rug retains its design, colors and a consistently soft feel. Water-repellent, anti-static and anti-bacterial, polypropylene is an ideal fiber for carpets. This rug is also easy to maintain, very comfortable and naturally has moisture and stain resistant properties. Additionally, as a woven rug, it is also dust mite resistant.

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